We, SAKURA Tempesta, are a robotics team based in Chiba Institute of Technology Tsudanuma Campus that participates in FIRST Robotics Competition (a.k.a. FRC). Having more than 94,000 students aged from 15 to 18 as participants, FRC is known as one of the biggest robotics competition in the world.
Our members come from more than 10 different junior and senior high schools in Kanto region which consists of 7 prefectures including Chiba, and Tokyo. Most students go to typical Japanese schools without any specialized program such as engineering/computer science program. In addition, our team is student-driven, which means our members design, build, and program our robot, communicate and cooperate with our corporate partners, and so on. Most students join our team without any experience in these fields, but they foster their skills as they work as a part of our team.
We have been working very hard under our team missions below since our formation in June, 2017 by Kanon Nakajima who was a member of FRC Team 2500 Herobotics in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and we will continue our work with endless passion.
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To join us
We’re always looking for new members and mentors!
If interested, please contact us via Twitter DM or our contact form!