Today (August 17, 2020), we had an opportunity of an online courtesy call to Mr. Taisuke Miyamoto, Mayer of Narashino city. After thanking Mayer, we reported our activities of this past FRC season. Even though the competition itself was cancelled due to COVID-19, the Chairman’s Award, the most prestegeous award for outstanding yearlong out-reach activities was given for the FRC teams and we were chosen as one of the recipients. It was the second straight year to win the award. We also reported other team activities such as the donation of face shields to medical and welfare workers, out-reach activities to spread STEM among young generation, and preparation for the future activities.
The courtesy call was witnessed by several media teams as well and it will be broadcasted through those media. We are thankful of media for their recent coverage of our activities, especially of the face shield donation.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for Mayer Miyamoto to give us the chance of this online courtesy call and the media teams for covering our online visit. We, SAKURA Tempesta, is committed to do our best to continue our out-reach activities and to prepare for the next FRC season, with thorough countermeasure against COVID-19.

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